Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Monday, 10 August 2020
year 8 leadership
If you were to give ideas for the next year 7/8 camp what would you suggest?i would suggest that just be good to the teacher and then you will get somewhere.
What would you keep?the go kart because this is my favorite one so far
What would you stop? the bmx because this is my least favorite
What would you add? the pools because it gets hot sometimes and you need it to cool down
Why do we have such events? so all the year 8 camper have heaps of fun.
Talk about whare tapa whā and key competencies taha whanu i believe in my family.
year 7 highlight
the year 7 highlight was when they did the cup stacking the cup stacking challenge was when they stacked it they had to see how fast they can take it down and build it back up. they did a cookie game what they had was they had to put the cookie on there head and then see if it can roll in to your mouth they said it was fun. anther game they played was when they had to put the stick in the marshmallow and then they had to build a tower with the marshmallow they had to see how tall they could make it. they